Next steps:

1) Confirm your application

We have emailed you a copy of your adoption application.
To make sure the data is yours, please:
Sign the confirmation email and email it back to us.


2) Show us your home

To make sure our dogs have the right environment to thrive in, we expect to see a narrated house-tour video, of the home and garden where our dogs will be spending the rest of their lives.

  1. Please use your phone to record a video of the following:
    • Indoor – any rooms in your home the dog will have access to.
    • Outdoor – your garden, showing perimeters, fences and gates.
  2. Send us the video:

Note: To help us allocate your application, don’t forget to mention your email address and Name.

3) Follow us:

Show your support by following us and sharing our posts with your family & friends.


Your application is being processed...